Thursday, May 17, 2012

~ sole with tomato caper sauce ~

coming back from a great vinyasa yoga class, i wanted to keep with the zen feeling. rather than stuffing my body with something that i can zap in the microwave that is full of preservatives and stuff i can't pronounce in the ingredient list, i made myself a quick little something somethintg that did not take me more than 15 minutes to make. i present to you...sole with tomato caper sauce. (i know, very original, haha)

doesn't it look tasty? not many people like fish/seafood, but i think it is because they just had a bad experience with fish/seafood in their past that made them steer clear of it in the future. there are a lot of fish/seafood things that do not taste fishy, one of which is the sole.

there are several preparations that can be used for sole:
* baked with simple seasoning
* breaded and baked or pan fried
* rolled and stuffed with spinach or crab stuff

sole is very delicate and light, not to mention cooks in 10 mins. most of the time you will only find sole in a fillet form since the fish is flat, unlike a salmon or tuna fish. also, sole is low in mercury so you can eat it more often. studies have shown that too much mercury intake can affect brain development and the nervous systems. so to all my pregnant friends, please stay away from high mercury content fish please.

recipe (2-3 servings)

* 1 lb of sole (there are several varieties, any one of them works)
* 2 tomatos, chopped
* 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
* 1 onion, chopped
* 2 tbs of capers, water drained
* 2-3 sprigs of basil, make ribbons with the basil (aka chiffonade)
* 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
* salt and pepper
* old bay seasoning, optional

* baking sheet
* sautee pan

1) pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees

2) prepare the fish.
        > pat the fish fillets dried
        > with 1 tbs of the oil, rub the oil on the fillets
        > season with salt, pepper and old bay seasoning on both sides
        > place fish on baking sheet in a single layer
        > bake the fillets for 10-12 mins until opaque, the fish fillets will shrink in size

3) while the fish is cooking in the oven, make the delicious topping.
        > heat the sautee pan to medium high
        > add 1 tbs of oil into the pan
        > once oil is hot, add in chopped onion and chopped garlic
        > sautee onions and garlic for a minute or two, then add in the chopped tomatoes
        > cook for 2 minutes until tomatoes have cooked down, then add in capers
        > sautee for another minute and turn off the heat
        > with the residual heat, mix in the basil
        > season with salt and pepper as needed

note #1: if you want this topping to be a bit more runny, a bit of white wine would be delicious in the topping. add in the wine after the onions and garlic are in the pan so some of the alcohol is cooked off and what is left is the flavor from the wine left.

note #2: this sauce would be delicious on any other protein of your liking. i like versatility in my food.

4) combine and serve!
        > using a spatula, place the fillet onto a plate
        > laddle some of the tomato caper mixture atop the fish
        > devour immediately


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